Jamiah Aminul Quran



Jamiah’s mission is to provide Islamic academic education with modern education to the students while instilling in them Islamic values, morals and prepare them to become positive role models exhibiting all the characteristics of a good Muslim.

  1. Build a strong community that produces intellectuals and scholars aspired to serve Islam and humanity.
  2. To help end sectarian prejudices and hatred surfacing in the society by bringing positive reforms in the Muslim mentality and society.
  3. To teach our students to understand the meaning and message of Holy Quran so to develop a strong relation with Allah Almighty.
  4. To encourage our students to adopt the Sunnahs of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and apply these in their personal and professional lives.
  5. Proficiency in Arabic language and expression.
  6. Develop patriotism and devotion to the country and the spirit of the revival of Islam.
  7. To enhance the creative and intellectual abilities of students to achieve their full potential.
  8. Instill in our students the divine message of peace and love given by Islam.